Our County Commissioner is Stacy White
Posted on Jun 1st, 2020
The Hillsborough County Commissioner representing us is Stacy White. His contact information: 601 E. Kennedy Blvd., Tampa, FL 33602. Phone: 813-272-5742. Email: whites@hillsboroughcounty.org
Hillsborough County Public Street Parking Rules
Posted on Aug 3rd, 2018
* Where traffic control device prohibits
* On a sidewalk
* On a crosswalk
* On a bicycle lane or path
* In front of a driveway
* Within intersection
* Within 20 feet of a crosswalk at an intersection
* Within 30 feet of stop sign
* On a street leaving less than 10 feet of width for vehicle traffic
* Right side wheels less than 12 inches from curb. - No parking with left wheels against curb
** You can call Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office Non-emergency #813-247-8200 to report any of these parking violations that you observe in your neighborhood.
Property Address must be visible on house
Posted on Aug 3rd, 2018
ATTENTION: Hillsborough County requires that property addresses must be visible on the front of the house in letters at least 3" tall or larger.
Important Telephone Numbers
Posted on Dec 6th, 2017
* Hillsborough County Sheriff - non-emergency - 813-247-8200
* Hillsborough County Code Enforcement - 813-274-6600
* Hillsborough County Animal Control - 813-272-5900
* Hillsborough County Public Works - 813-307-1868
(to report potholes, street/sidewalk blockage, missing/damaged stop signs,
street light outages, tree trimming in county right-a-way, drainage ditch problems)
* Hillsborough County Water Department - 813-272-5977
* Tampa Electric - power outages - 1-877-588-1010
* Tampa Electric - 813-223-0800