Lakeview Village HOA of Brandon, Inc.
Q:  I want to paint my house, fence my yard, add a driveway, etc..  Do I need permission?
A:  Yes.  You will need to complete an ARC form and submit it to: 
      LVHOA, P. O. Box 1166, Mango, FL 33550-1166 and then wait for a response letter from the Board.
      The ARC form can be found under the "Members" tab, under "Documents".
Q:  When are the Board of Directors' meetings and where do the meet?
A:  The Board of Directors meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM.  The meetings are held at
      2130 Highview Road at the Springwater Church of Brandon in Brandon, FL.
Q:  Where can I find copies of the Deed Restrictions, By-Laws and Articles of Incorporation?
A:  These documents are found under the "Members" tab then under the "Documents" tab and can be    
      downloaded free of charge.
Q:  Where Can I report a violation?
A:  Go to the "Contact Us" tab and submit your complaint.  The Board of Directors will review your complaint.
Q:  How much are my dues and when are the due?
A:  The 2019 Annual Assessment is $135.00 and is due by January 31, 2019. 
      LVHOA sends annual assessment notices to homeowners in November of each year.
      The amount varies from year to year based on the annual budget but never more than 5% each year per our documents.